Thursday, August 26, 2010

Grey Johnson's Your Pajamas on Issuu

Read this beautiful publication and make her famous. It's delicious. Be sure to click "Open publication" just above and read it on Issuu so Grey gets the view count. If you like her work, and I know you will, please leave a comment for her there on the site rather than here. That will encourage her to produce more of these gorgeous little numbers. --MDJB


  1. I haven't been able to find where to leave a comment on Issuu - but have to say this is absolute perfection - for a start the dress pattern illustrations used are SO evocative, and the words used more than complement, enhance, make magically wonderful a whole,sexy, range of ideas.
    And my words feel inadequate in comparison - extremely well done Grey - I am led to use a word I normally eschew - awesome.

  2. This is terrific. PJs come alive, love the theme and the execution. Brilliantly done!

  3. This is an excellent production by a writer who takes such care with her words. Start to finish you nailed this quite unique effort, Grey. Congratulations for achieving all of the things Sandra pointed out in one fell swoop.
